Defusing potentially dangerous situations

Video 17 of 30
2 min 36 sec

Ensuring Staff Safety in Challenging Situations

Adapting to Unpredictable Scenarios

While comprehensive guidelines and procedures offer a foundation, they cannot foresee every potential situation. Staff, irrespective of their role, must leverage their experience, aptitude, and intuition when confronting potentially aggressive service users.

Essential Training for Staff Safety

Those identified as vulnerable in a risk assessment should receive training in:

  • Personal safety
  • De-escalation techniques
  • Breakaway methods

Strategies for Managing Physical Aggression

If confronted by potential violence, staff should:

  • Primarily, distance themselves from the threat.
  • Position a robust object (e.g., a table) between them and potential aggressors.
  • Ensure an unblocked route to the exit.
  • Engage in calm, assertive communication.
  • Avoid behaviours, like excessive anxiety, that might heighten tensions.
  • Clear the vicinity of onlookers.
  • Remove accessible potential weapons, like ashtrays or tools.

Dealing with Armed Threats

In the face of a weapon:

  • Request the service user calmly yet assertively to set the weapon aside.
  • Refrain from abrupt movements.
  • Maintain eye contact without a confrontational gaze.
  • Sound an alert and summon assistance.

Physical restraint is a last resort, only to be considered when there's a credible threat and a feasible chance of successful implementation.

When to Withdraw and Seek Help

If control is lost and a situation intensifies, evacuate the room irrespective of potential damages. In such instances, contact the police immediately. The overarching principle is that personal safety reigns supreme.

Post-Incident Procedures

Staff, including lone workers, should have a robust procedure for reporting incidents and near-miss events. Subsequent to any event, it's essential to re-evaluate and modify the risk assessment accordingly.